Preparing or “Staging” your property for sale or rent is very important as it sets the scene for potential buyers or renters to imagine themselves living or holidaying in your property’s space – this is now common practice by professional Estate Agents and Home owners in the Costa Blanca. As viewers of the property move around each room they are continually considering all aspects of “what they want from the space” and how it might feel to live or holiday there, so it is vital to remove the personal clutter of everyday life from rooms and free their minds to wonder. Some key areas for staging include:
- Removing all personal photographs
- Making the property entrance look appealing with local shrubs and plants
- Strategic use of lighting and mirrors
- Ensuring bathrooms are spotless and have clean fresh towels, neatly hanging on rails
- Scented and unused candles on a mantlepiece to add freshness to rooms
Of course, before anyone visits, they usually go online to view your property before arranging a viewing or making a booking, so having great photos that show off your staged property is just as important. Therefore, having a professional photographer take your photos isn’t a service always offered or provided by agents. Most agents in the Costa Blanca use their mobile phones to take their photographs to market your property. Whilst modern smartphones have great cameras and high resolution, the person using the phone doesn’t always have an eye for the detail each room or outside space has to offer. They do use some tricks of course, to make rooms look bigger and wider, which isn’t much appreciated when the visitor has travelled thousands of miles, spent hundreds of euros on accommodation and car hire to view or holiday in person. Thankfully, not all agents work this way. The agents that work hardest to make you successful, usually turn out to be the ones who are the most successful.
In our experience, working with the best people to stage set your property and make it appeal to the right audience usually pay dividends beyond the market average and rewards you with higher financial returns…just make sure the agent is reputable, diligent and has your interests at heart.
An alternative way of staging is coming soon…using 3D technology that allows us to insert 3D objects like sofas, beds or anything item of furniture and accessories into any real space to show potential clients what the property will look like in any number of ways. It’s like having a team of professional interior designers working for you to dress and stage your property for you!
Keep a look out on our blog for further updates to this exciting new development…with boomworks.